Saturday, October 24, 2009

How can i hack into my ex's messenger and hotmail.?

he has info of me on there and i want to delete it.
How can i hack into my ex's messenger and hotmail.?

Does anyone else smell a restraining order?
Reply:try this website, you will be suprised !!! Report Abuse

Reply:...maybe you should do something else such as ruin their reputation or tell a large group of girls that he is gay.
Reply:If you can get a keylogger onto his computer you can find out his password.

Or try answering his recovery questions if you think you know him well enough.
Reply:Try asking him to delete it
Reply:Ask him for his password.
Reply:grow up
Reply:idk telll him to delete it
Reply:you can't
Reply:You can't. Ditto on the growing up.
Reply:It's totally not worth it. I can't stress that enough. But, to answer your question people generally brute force into web mail accounts.


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    BTW, I found another website that can hack yahoo passwords and other one specialized in hack into hotmail passwords.

    Diane Calhoun, New York


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